Charlie LeSueur Award Arizona

The Wild Bunch Film Festival 2022 offered a big surprise to German Western Author/Film Producer/Songwriter Manuela Schneider.

She was honored with the prestigious Charlie LeSueur Award for her outstanding and ongoing contribution to keep the Western Genre alive. What came as a total surprise left her shocked and in tears. Not only is she the first female to ever receive this highly renownend award but she also knew the late Charlie LeSueur personally. Needless to say that she felt blessed in more than one way to receive this wonderful trophy. She emphasizes that Charlie and his legacy is one of the reasons why she keeps the Western Genre dear to her heart. Schneider is convinced that we need to keep the pioneer history alive. By now she has added songwriting, movie productions and poetry as well as workshops to her portfolio as author. Schneider is on the way to publish a record breaking number of new books until spring 2025. Readers can look forward to at least eight new novels until April 2025.

Manuela Schneider Holding Award

Manuela Schneider and Friends

Manuela Schneider Holding Award - 2

Keep on writing cowgirl!


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